Growing giant vegetables should be fun even though it can get very serious sometimes.
Clive grows on many of the top seeds available in the world in order to bring you a piece of the action at an affordable price. All the seeds which he puts into his packets have got a top quality heritage which means you have the chance to grow a big ‘un but it is very much down to you and the elements. Please do take the time to read up as much as you can on germinating and tending to your chosen giant vegetable such that you can give your seeds the very best chance.
Clive does many shows throughout the country and sells seed directly at these events. This website is run by Mark to help Clive out with the t’internet side of things.
Postage is charged at a flat rate regardless of what you order so please try and make the most of it by clubbing together with family, friends, allotment holders, horticultural societies etc such that you can get the best value from this ever increasing cost.
Finally, good luck with all that you grow!